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District Policy

FINGERPRINTING & FINGERPRINT-BASED CRIMINAL HISTORY VERIFICATION (ODE) I authorize Springfield Public Schools to obtain information about my criminal records. I authorize all governmental or private agencies to provide information about my criminal records to the school district. Fingerprinting and a criminal background check for each successful applicant is required by State law and school district policy. Any offer of employment is contingent on clearance for continued employment by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) or Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC). CHILD ABUSE & CONDUCT I authorize Springfield Public Schools to obtain from any current and/or former employers the following information: 1. Whether I was the subject of any substantiated report(s) of child abuse or sexual conduct related to my employment; 2. The dates of any such substantiated reports; 3. The definition(s) of child abuse and sexual conduct used by the employer when the employer determined that any reports were substantiated; 4. The standards used by the employer to determine whether any reports were substantiated; 5. And any disciplinary records required to be released as provided by ORS 339.378.