Springfield Public Schools seeks outstanding candidates for the position of Temporary, Full-time Grade K-5 Elementary Academic Interventionist at Thurston Elementary School.  


About the District

Springfield Public Schools is located in Springfield, Oregon, in the heart of the Willamette Valley, and serves 185 square miles of the city of Springfield and East/Central Lane County.  We are directly to the east of Eugene, where the University of Oregon is located.  We currently have over 10,000 students, 1,446 staff members including 645 teachers in our kindergarten through grade 12 school district.


Springfield Public Schools believes that student success isour most important outcome.  The success of our students depends on the collective community coming together to support every student, every day throughout their K-12 education.  From the time a student is greeted by the bus driver in the morning to the last bell in the afternoon, Springfield Public Schools is committed to meeting the needs of each child.


About the Position


Academic Interventionists will fill the role traditionally referred to as ‘Title I Teacher’. The Academic Interventionist must have a fundamental understanding of the concepts of RtI associated with reading instruction (and all academic areas). This includes tiered structures and how interventionist and special education staff fit into building-wide supports for students. The Academic Interventionist is a critical member of the building level literacy team and specialist team. It is an expectation that the Interventionist will inform building wide instructional practices, guide grade level academic teams, and provide direct support for students who require supplemental instruction.


Knowledge, Skills and Abilities


Minimum Qualifications